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<div class="symbol symbol-100 mr-5">
<div class="symbol-label">{{ app.user.firstName }} {{ app.user.lastName }}</div>
<i class="symbol-badge bg-success"></i>
<div class="d-flex flex-column">
<a href="#"
class="font-weight-bold font-size-h5 text-dark-75 text-hover-primary">{{ app.user.fullName }}</a>
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<span class="navi-text text-muted text-hover-primary">{{ app.user.email }}</span>
<a href="{{ logout_path() }}"
class="btn btn-sm btn-light-primary font-weight-bolder py-2 px-5">
Déconnexion {{ flat_icon('logout') }}
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<div class="font-weight-bold">Mon Profil</div>
<div class="text-muted">informations personnelles ...
<span class="label label-light-danger label-inline font-weight-bold">MAJ</span>
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{# <div class="text-muted">latest tasks and projects</div> #}
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{# <a href="#" class="font-weight-normal text-dark-75 text-hover-primary font-size-lg mb-1">Another #}
{# purpose persuade</a> #}
{# <span class="text-muted font-size-sm">Due in 2 Days</span> #}
{# </div> #}
{# <span class="font-weight-bolder text-warning py-1 font-size-lg">+28%</span> #}
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{# <!--end::Item--> #}
{# <!--begin::Item--> #}
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{# <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-grow-1 mr-2"> #}
{# <a href="#" class="font-weight-normal text-dark-75 text-hover-primary font-size-lg mb-1">Would #}
{# be to people</a> #}
{# <span class="text-muted font-size-sm">Due in 2 Days</span> #}
{# </div> #}
{# <span class="font-weight-bolder text-success py-1 font-size-lg">+50%</span> #}
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{# <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-grow-1 mr-2"> #}
{# <a href="#" class="font-weight-normel text-dark-75 text-hover-primary font-size-lg mb-1">Purpose #}
{# would be to persuade</a> #}
{# <span class="text-muted font-size-sm">Due in 2 Days</span> #}
{# </div> #}
{# <span class="font-weight-bolder text-danger py-1 font-size-lg">-27%</span> #}
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